Black Lightning | Part 312
BLACK LIGHTNING COAL SLAG is one of the most versatile abrasives available and is generally used for the removal of thick coatings, rust, and mill scale. It’s widely used due to its profiling ability, economic price point, and availability. This recycled product is available in a wide range of sizes based on your needs.
- 3000 lb bulk bag
- Use medium grade for general purpose repair and maintenance blasting for the removal of paint and rust, structural steel, mill scale and aggregate exposure.
- Use fine for new construction, light paint and rust removal, and for special maintenance applications requiring reduced profiles. Bridge maintenance, light mill scale, paint and rust, new structural steel.
- Use extra fine to clean surfaces and create a smooth finish, brush-off blast, or in a high pressure water blast system.
Mil profile: 3.5 - 4.8
Bulk Density: 75-100 lbs/cu.ft.
Shape: Angular
Uniform density
6 - 7 Mohs
Less than 0.1% free silica